Headshot by the one and only Alisha Benda
Bios make me nervous, so let’s get that out of the way.
I’m an Art Director from Colorado, currently based in Chicago. In my past lives I’ve been an award-winning Dairy Queen cone maker (yes, this is a thing), barista, baker, and corporate event planner.
When I get stressed out or sad I watch Creed music videos. Because…I mean it’s a Creed music video, it’s absurd. I’m inspired by this, want to travel here, and will never not find this funny.
Don’t click this link, it’s a virus.
Sometimes I can’t believe what I’m doing is a real job. And neither can my parents who still ask me, “what do you actually do?” As far as I’m concerned, the best job in the world.
Currently doing leaps, bounds, kicks and flips @ Highdive